D.B. Ghosh - Specialist Breast Cancer and Cosmetic Surgeon in London

Health Centre in London
D.B. Ghosh is a Consultant Breast surgeon specialist in Breast Cancer and Cosmetic Breast surgery in London Harley Street area. He offers a one stop clinic for all breast conditions, Mammograms and USG scans with biopsy if needed. He perform all breast operations that include Mastectomy and reconstructions, gynecomastia and axillary clearance. He is known for his work in correcting asymmetry. Mr. Debashis Ghosh performs breast augmentation, breast reduction, mastopexy, breast lifts lipofilling, fat grafting and male gynaecomastia surgery. He works from top Hospital in London namely the London Clinic, The Harley Street Clinic and The Royal Free Hospital. He always sees patients with a Specialist Breast Care Nurse who will support you.